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Welcome to Operation Sidekick, name

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What Your Anaesthetist Does

Anaesthetists do different things around the hospital, but specifically around surgery. What we would do is we would see the patient in our pre-assessment clinic, make sure that they're medically optimised, making changes to their medication or delaying their operations or speeding operations up depending on what we find and what's wrong with them.

Then we would go and see them on the morning of the operation, talk to them about the anaesthetic, try and listen to their concerns and try and tailor anaesthetic to the individual. And then we would see them in the anaesthetic room just before the operation, do some casual checks to make sure that we've got the right patient, the right operation.

Then we would slowly put them off to sleep, give them their general anaesthetic. And then whilst they're asleep, we'd be looking after them, we'd be with them. We never leave until the operation's complete. And then after that, we take them to their post-operative destination, be that recovery or intensive care. And then normally we would sort of complete the cycle by following them up a day or two after.