Loosen Fear
This stretch is all about loosening your grip on your fear about your surgery. So, lovely stretch for the outer part of your hip. We can hold a lot of tension there.
I'm going to get you to come to sit on a chair, feet flat on the floor to start with, and then picking one leg up, flexing at the ankle. You can use your hands to just pop that ankle on top of your underneath thigh, letting the leg just fall open out to the side. It doesn't matter if your leg's a little bit higher, just let it fall out as much as you can. And then, if this feels okay, and you want to take a little lean forwards to deepen that stretch a little bit, you can. Maybe closing the eyes, that helps you connect into the stretch, into your body a little bit more. And we'll breathe in through the nose, and out through the mouth. So, we'll breathe in, just maybe noticing that fear that you're holding. As you breathe out and the tension melts a little bit more away from your hip, let that fear get a little bit further away. Inhaling through the nose, and exhaling through the mouth. One more breath in, and breath out. Slowly coming up to seated, and we'll switch sides. Dropping that foot down, bring the other leg up, flexing the ankle. You can manoeuvre using your hands, popping the ankle on top of this bottom thigh, letting the top thigh fall open. Maybe we take a little lean forwards, maybe not, whatever feels good for you. Closing the eyes, if that feels okay, and we breathe in through the nose. Breathing out, letting that fear get a little bit further away, just loosening that grip. Breath in, breathing out, letting that tension melt away from the hip. One more breath in here, and breath out. Bringing yourself back up, you can let that leg go.
You can use this stretch any time you just want to loosen that grip on that fear about your surgery.