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Calm Before The Procedure

Now we're going to practice something called progressive muscle relaxation combined with deep breathing. This is to help calm your mind and body before your procedure. We do this by targeting specific muscle groups that keep the body stiff and tense. This is where our physical tenseness drives our mental toughness and vice versa. We need to take the steam out to reduce the anxiety.

So let's find a comfortable position at first. Again either seated like I am here or lying down on the floor with your body supported and your eyes gently closed. Now take a moment to settle in and allow your body to relax. Begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs completely, hold for a moment, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this deep breath once more, inhaling deeply, exhaling slowly. Now focus on different muscle groups in your body, tensing and then relaxing each one while maintaining deep steady breaths. Let's begin.

We're going to start with our feet and toes. Inhale deeply, as you curl your toes and tense the muscles in your feet, hold the tension for a few seconds and then exhale and relax your toes, your calves and shins. Inhale, tense those muscles, pointing your toes upwards, hold the tension, then exhale, release. Feel the relaxation spread onto our thighs and buttocks. Inhale, squeeze the muscles in your thighs and buttocks really tightly, hold, then exhale, as you let go of the tension.

Now your abdomen, inhale deeply and tighten your abdominal muscles, hold that tension, then exhale slowly, letting your belly soften and relax. Chest and back, inhale and pull your shoulder blades together, tensing your chest and upper back muscles, hold, then as you release, relax. Hands and arms, inhale as you clench your fists, tense those muscles in your arms, hold, then exhale and let your hands and arms relax completely. Shoulders and neck, inhale, lift your shoulders towards your ears, tensing your muscles in your neck and shoulders, hold, then exhale and let your shoulders drop and relax.

Now to your face, inhale and scrunch your face up, scrunch your facial muscles, tensing your forehead, eyes and mouth, hold it and then exhale, releasing all the tension, allowing your face to relax. Now take a few moments to notice the sensation in your body, feel a difference between the tension and the relaxation, allow your breath to flow naturally and evenly, take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs completely and hold for a moment, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this deep breath once more, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. As you continue to breathe deeply, feel the relaxation spreading throughout your entire body, let go of any remaining tension and worry, trust that this moment of calm is helping you prepare for your procedure with a peaceful and relaxed mind.

Remember you can return to this progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing technique whenever you need to find calm and release that pre-surgery anxiety.